Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Fraggle Rock Season Sets Update

Yesterday’s USA Today had nice article on the Fraggle Rock and DVD campaign. If you got the paper, flip over to the Life Section (page 6D at the bottom left), and you will see the article "Fans are getting their way on DVD" by Mike Snider. The article focus on fan-inspired DVD releases of TV shows. Included front and center in the article is the Fraggle Rock resurrection. The article mentions the possibility of season box sets, the DVD petition (which can be found here), and the upcoming April 26th release of the next single-disk Fraggle DVD. For all you fans who cannot get a hold of the USA Today, you can read it online here.

Now, the fans are pushing for box sets of entire seasons, HIT Entertainment representative Jamie Cygielman says, "we're considering that." So they are thinking about it, which is a good thing. Also when contacting HIT Entertainment customer service yesterday about the possibility of season sets they said (and I quote), “A final decision on season sets has not been made at this time. We are still looking into this and hope to have more information by this Spring.”

So maybe by the time Live By the Rules of The Rock” (the next 3-episode, single-disk release) on April 26, 2005 we may have a definite “yes” (or possibly a “no”, but let’s not think about that). Keep the letters, e-mails, and calls up to remind HIT that we really, really want season sets. Just give them some time to develop a plan, and announce it; but soon we may be able to rejoice and dance our cares away (we can only hope)!

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